Snarky Archies delivers rapid-fire, snarky goofy commentary about David Archuleta 24-7. We're fans of David even if we sometimes poke a little fun at him. Got some pictures, news or commentary you think we'd enjoy? E-mail us at wearethesnarkyarchies@gmail.com, or tweet us at @snarkyarchies. And don't forget to comment and immerse yourself in the glory of the Archuleta.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

DAVIDSLIST: Got something? Need something?

Here's the spot to buy and sell tickets!

SO THE POINT OF THIS POST IS A DAVID 'CRAIGSLIST' -- you know, the online classifieds where you can find cheap furniture, or a roommate, or tickets?

Here, you can find a concert-mate, or sell your ticket, or whatever else comes to mind. Say what you need in the comments, and we'll try to update the post daily to advertise for you -- and those who want what you're offering can either comment back, and snatch up the ticket, or e-mail you.

This is FREE DAVID ADVERTISING. This post will be stickied in the navigation bar at the top of Snarkies. :)

Getting rid of:

In need of:

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