Snarky Archies delivers rapid-fire, snarky goofy commentary about David Archuleta 24-7. We're fans of David even if we sometimes poke a little fun at him. Got some pictures, news or commentary you think we'd enjoy? E-mail us at wearethesnarkyarchies@gmail.com, or tweet us at @snarkyarchies. And don't forget to comment and immerse yourself in the glory of the Archuleta.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

David and Rising Star Outreach

Thank you for the info, David Archuleta Fan Scene!

'David Archuleta and his father, Jeff, along with a family friend, are hoping to make a trip to India to visit the children of Rising Star Outreach. Rising Star’s works are primarily aimed at families affected by leprosy, or Hansen’s Disease. The Archuleta’s friend who is a Family Dentist wants to provide free dental care to the many children living in the colonies. The Archuleta’s friend will be the first Dentist ever to volunteer his services to Rising Star and they are all excited to be part of this desperately needed outreach. Donations will be needed to cover the cost of Dental equipment and supplies. Fan Scene will keep you up to date as this story develops.'
Awww. I really hope David is able to go along on this charity mission. What a wonderful cause.

Check this out for more information about Rising Star Outreach.

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